Prepare for Tax Season: Your Driver Tax Checklist
Now is a good time to begin thinking about the end of the current driver tax season. For clients on Driver Tax Program / Business & Personal Mileage Tracking (B&P), your Wheels Account Team is wrapping up the components of your profile, such as setting parameters, dates, what to do with non-reporters, etc. As they are completing this process, below are a few best practices to keep in mind:
Pull your data from the Mileage and Logging Dashboard within FleetView™ or utilize FleetWeb™ Report Builder for our Drivers on B&P Missing Mileage or B&P Non-Reporting Penalties reporting. As part of Fleet Administration Service (FAS), your Account Team will send this information to you.
Review your data to ensure that both driver and vehicles included are as expected.
The Driver Tax Compliance / Business & Personal Mileage Tracking program is specifically designed to simplify the annual process of calculating, tracking and reporting personal use/taxable benefit valuation. Wheels works directly with you to set up an automated program that ensures your company is in compliance with all applicable laws and procedures.
For questions about our Driver Tax Compliance or Business & Personal Mileage Tracking programs and how to utilize our mobile applications to simplify this process, please contact a member of your Wheels Account Team.